Tuesday 1 July 2014

Incredible toilet's sign

I've never seen a sign like this for a toilet before! Who would use a toilet with a sign like this? Oh dear, not me! Frightening! Lol

Friday 7 March 2014

Anwar has been given 5 years

大家早上好! 我知道这听起来像粗野的正义,它看起来对马来西亚政府并不是很好,但安华是一个分裂的人物会使马来西亚将永远都不会安宁,而他通过政治寻求自我。安华有一个贪得无厌的欲望来领导国家,他会导致国家分裂,不是因为任何政治信仰,而是因为他相信最终他将领导国家。现在,安华是马来西亚的灾难,如果他是国家的首相那就更糟糕了。出于这个原因,我很高兴他不会站在补选或有机会成为首席部长/州务大臣。安华应该被禁止参政,但是如果把每个男人跟其他男人睡,就判入监狱,那将会有很多马来西亚人会在监狱中。安华应该离开政治,让真正关心人民和国家的政治家做他们的工作。安华所做的一切,他为自己的荣耀,而不是为马来西亚,而更不是为人民!他只为他自己!

Good morning everyone! I know it sounds like rough justice and it doesn't look too good for the Malaysian government but Anwar is a divisive figure and Malaysia will never be at peace whilst he seeks to stroke his own ego through politics. Anwar has an insatiable desire to lead the country and he causes division in the country, not because of any political belief, but because he believes it will ultimately put him in charge of the country. Anwar is a disaster for Malaysia now and would be worse still if he was to lead the country as PM. For this reason I'm glad he won't be standing in the by-election or having the opportunity to be Chief Minister.

Anwar deserves to be banned from politics but if you put everyone in prison who sleeps with another man there would be a lot of Malaysians in prison. He should just leave politicians who care about the people and country to do their jobs. Everything he does, he does for his own glory, not for Malaysia and not for the people. He exists only for himself.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

DAP are misleading the electorate again

DAP 再次误导选民
DAP 试图指责国阵  
注意 在这里
DAP 是罪魁祸首
DAP 真的认为选民是愚蠢的吗 

DAP are misleading the electorate again. They are trying to blame the lack of water supply in Balakong and Kajang on BN. Take note, the water supply here is under Selangor State Government control. DAP are to blame. Do DAP really think the electorate is stupid?



Malaysia should change the law so that it is illegal to make someone in your own party resign just because a self-adoring party leader wants his seat.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek is not designed to come second or third. He is designed to win ;)))

Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek is not designed to come second or third. He is designed to win ;)))

Thursday 24 January 2013



保守党比之前的工党更「狠」!大选前,保守党和自由党分别答应人民会剪除大学学费、甚至会为人民争取免费上大学、人民年薪收入低于20千英镑的免付 council tax 等。

大选后,保守党和自由党联盟执政。大学学费立刻起3倍!更不用希望年薪收入低于20千英镑的免付 council tax! 这三年,样样加税。谁最苦?!在短短的一年里,人民的变化最大!何能等到来届大选?5年好漫长、好痛苦、很难熬.... :-(


Wednesday 16 January 2013



著名作家「陆琪」提过「如果你进了大学没毕业,你可以成为乔布斯;如果你进了高中没毕业,你可以成为韩寒 ;如果你进了初中没有毕业,你可以成为大书法家启功;如果你进了小学没毕业,你可以成为莫言 拿诺贝尔...... 这个世界上最有趣的事情是,学历会让你成为精英,却很难带给你才华」 ......

然而,现今的马来西亚,只要你够「鲁」,大多数人都会认为你很有潜质,是人民的英雄!Is that a good sign? 晕

Saturday 9 June 2012



Friday 13 April 2012

Lord Beecham

I had a photo taken with Lord Beecham on 12/04/2012

Saturday 25 February 2012


有些钱,不能赚。我宁愿稀土厂那块地拿来建穆士林回教堂,也不愿建稀土厂... ;(

Thursday 2 February 2012

Sunday 22 January 2012


啊!多么痛的领悟!你曾是我的全部。如今,每一步都走得好孤独 ;(

Sunday 4 December 2011





我一想到陈妈妈已离开,我的眼泪就不停的流。为什么凶手那么残忍?!要我们承受这种痛?陈妈妈,我们会永远记得你!谢谢您对我们的好和热情!谢谢您留下给我们的美好回忆!一生难忘!待我从英国回来,一定会到富贵山莊拜访您。您好好安息!过去的一年里,每晚我都会为弟弟祷告。陈妈妈,我也会每晚为您祷告,I promise. 我一定会到您新家拜访您。

Monday 31 October 2011

我的作品 - Halloween night 2011


Monday 25 October 2010




中国队伍荣获冠军 ~ 中国队伍太棒了!

马来西亚队伍荣获亚军 ~ 马来西亚队伍也很棒!

好棒的醒狮比赛!虽然这次的宣传办得不善,观众不多,但来自世界各地的醒狮队伍都很卖力的表演,现场突然散发出一种‘生命力’! 特别感谢英国蔡李佛伍厚德功夫龙狮总会!伍厚德师傅的致谢词好感人!赞!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Do I look good? 我的毕业照漂不漂亮

In June this year I completed an LLM (Masters Degree) in International Commercial Law graduating with commendation, my dissertation being a comparative analysis of EU and US e-commerce law entitled ‘The American Daydream: How the US e-consumer has been left in the dark’.

Sue Ng LLM, LLB (Hons) + Dad

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Little and Large: Me with the UK's tallest man

I met Neil, the tallest man in the United Kingdom on 8th of March 2010. He played the part of the man in the mask in the film Predator.

Thursday 18 February 2010

我不喜欢醒来时的那一份失落感 ;(

我最亲爱最敬爱的弟弟永别了...很抱歉!请原谅我这个无能的姐姐!我很想念这个很像艺人又很爱美,很爱扮靓靓的弟弟; 弟弟走路很顾仪态,连坐姿都很顾仪态,是位完美主义又爱整齐的完美男人...你在我的心里面已经盖了一个家,现在又突然走掉,那我一个人应该怎么办? ;(

光华电子新闻 http://www.kwongwah.com.my/news/2010/02/16/137.html

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Healthy democracy or the same old Barisan National forever??

We will only have strong politics when there is more than 1 strong party. It takes being challenged for a party to improve itself, that is the nature of a healthy working democracy!!

Monday 20 July 2009

Serve the nation

We all need to work together to fight for a brighter future for Malaysia. No matter which party you are, we all should serve our nation and not ourselves! Cheers!!

Sunday 19 July 2009

Chua Jui Meng, the main man!!

大家都是打工仔。试问你是否一直永远都跟随同一个老板打工?? 大家还不是东家不打,打西家吗??


大家对世界的球队都不会陌生。 我们也懂领队最重要紧是聪明,很多世界球队遇上一个不会用人的领队,当红国脚不受重用,只会捧新人年轻人,结果就断送了整个球队 (Bakri也是这样在308断送给DAP)。 领队最重要紧是聪明,看得通对手的踢法,要有策略,且还要在适当的时候重金礼聘找外缓回来帮帮忙。

人,很奇怪。竟然能接受买球手回来踢,但却对一个政治家跳槽到另一个政党有很多意见!! 如果我说政治家是名员工,政党就是老板,这样的说法也不会很牵强吧?!! 所以,蔡锐明没有错,且他的选择并没有背叛马华和国阵!!! 蔡锐明没有在辞职前做什么人事调动和小动作,峇吉里区会就由署理主席接任。这也是我欣赏蔡锐明的地方。

马华跟过去一样,没有创新,没有改革,一成不变!! 仿佛还是停留在过去浸猪笼的年代!! 现在,有多少人对马华不满,很讨厌马华,但却还逗留在马华??

要成为一个现代人,最主要的条件是对内内外外的接受能力要很广很强!蔡锐明曾经在党选时提到有必要时马华得开放给其它种族。他也提到大马的新经济政策对我们国家的威胁和危害!! 可惜,很多中央代表只顾自己眼前有没有饭吃,对于国家和未来的事情都不感兴趣!! 蔡锐明才是一个真正处在现代的现代人!有远见和有抱负的政治家!!

科技日新月异,以前做不到的不等于现在做不到。电饭煲都已经进步到magic saver cooker了! 更何况是我们人?? 我们一定要紧贴时代的步伐,跟社会一起进步! 无论做什么,都要有讲究有要求,吃东西也是一样。

Saturday 18 July 2009

A silent politician is no politician

At times our nation has not been appreciative of Dato Chua Jui Meng's talents and intellectual ability. Our nation needs a talented politician like him!! Through joining PKR, Dato Chua Jui Meng will be given the platform to air the views and policies that can change Malaysia for the better. This opportunity was denied him by MCA!! Dato Chua Jui Meng is our hope for a brighter and better Malaysia!!

Dato Chua Jui Meng once said, 'a silent politician is no politician! Silent politics is equivalent to zero politics!' In the end he was silenced by MCA but by joining PKR he has ensured his voice will be heard loud and clearly throughout the nation once again!! Wohoho!!! My Dato Chua Jui Meng IS BACK!!!!!!!

Sunday 14 June 2009


第一次喝100 PLUS是在我3、4岁的时候,在Sungai Petani的H Club里。
100 PLUS 或 Malta 饮料给我和哥哥, 母亲就坐在旁边教我玩电动游戏机... (长大后,我才懂母亲根本就不会玩游戏机)

上了小学后,父亲每天都打Golf, 我和弟弟就在Golf Club里游泳和玩电动游戏机,我们自己点东西吃,我们点的饮料都是 100 PLUS...

在英国呆了6年,这里没有100 PLUS... ;(

直到看到桌上和冰箱有很多罐的 100 PLUS,我的心里就会笑,且还是从心里笑了出来,这才是我们家的象征。 我告诉自己,我真的回到家了! !

每次看到100 PLUS我都很感触。。。

100 PLUS带回英国。一罐在飞机上喝了,还有一罐,我舍不得喝! 看着 ‘它’ ,仿佛看到一个离我很远的 ‘家’ ,一个我无法回去的 ‘家’ ; 看着 ‘它’ ,也看到一个很疼我的父亲。

Friday 29 May 2009

Facebook reunites mother with long-lost son!

A woman whose three-year-old son was abducted and taken to live in Hungary has been reunited with him 27 years later after finding his name on Facebook.

离开27年,要跑得多快才能填补他们之间的空白? ;L

P.S Boys and girls, add me on facebook =)

Monday 25 May 2009

I bleed black and white

My Newcastle United have been relegated from The Premier League. I have been in Newcastle for 6 years and the team is now in my blood. My friend back in Malaysia who lived in Newcastle for 4 years also told me that she feels Newcastle United is a part of her. So much so that she is returning to Newcastle this September!

Newcastle is a great city and there are loads of opportunities to see the players out and about. What a shame, I hope they will be back in The Premier League soon.

Wednesday 20 May 2009




Wednesday 13 May 2009

Bloggers dinner on 4/5/2009

shltplnk is obese in Malaysia but anorexic in England ;L

Thursday 7 May 2009

Whilst Tony Pua was still asleep on the plane...

Whilst Tony Pua was still asleep on the plane, my bf and I were shaking of the jet lag with Lim Chin Feu (Malaysian Singer) and Dylan (TV8 artist). (17th March 2009)

So... My holiday began... (1)

So, my holiday began when I arrived at Stansted Airport and found Tony Pua, MP for Petaling Jaya Utara asleep. He must have been really tired because I had to wake him up so that he did not miss the plane!! (16th March 2009)

Monday 30 March 2009

My Second Dato in a Fortnight

My dad introduced my bf and I to Dato' Chua Soi Lek. He told us some extremely funny stories but perhaps it is best if they are not repeated here (28 March 2009).

Friday 27 March 2009

Meeting with Dato' Chua Jui Meng on 19th of March 2009

I arrived back in Malaysia on 16th of March 2009. Dato' Chua has been my inspiration since I was nine years old. After speaking to Dato' Chua on the phone, he kindly agreed to meet me and Dan. We had high tea at the KL Hilton. Dato' Chua gave me a fantastic welcome home and Dan a great welcome to Malaysia. It has meant so much to me to have been able to keep in touch with Dato' Chua over my six years in the United Kingdom. This has given me great determination to succeed in my studies.

The two and a half hours we spent together flew by, if only we could have had longer but I had foolishly arranged another dinner date for that evening (silly me, I'm still regreting it!!!). We received two wonderful gifts from Dato' Chua. One of the gifts was a video of Dato' Chua's Christian testimony, I would recommend that anybody who gets the opportunity to hear this, either in person or on video, grasps the opportunity to do so. I love Dato' Chua Jui Meng!

Friday 13 February 2009

How terrible?

This new dad is 13 years old but he looks even younger! He's so young how did he know what to do? God bless them all

Thursday 22 January 2009


恭喜发财!身体健康!步步高升!Happy Chinese New Year, wishing you all a prosperous and healthy year!!

Thursday 8 January 2009

No wonder Malay call Chinese 'Cina Babi'

The Chinese are Low B (底B) and always vote in the wrong leadership for MCA. If the Chinese community can't even choose a smart and talented leadership for the party, and simply vote for whoever they are told to vote for, then Chinese are Low B! No wonder that up to the present day, Chinese are still having their noses pulled by UMNO and continue to blindly agree with their policies, particularly Malaysian New Economic Policy which disadvantages Chinese and makes fools of our community! I bet the UMNO leaders in Parliament continually laugh and think how Low B the Chinese are!! Chinese are stupid, and the MCA Leaders are UMNO's good dogs!!! (I bet this is what UMNO think!)

No wonder Malay call Chinese 'Cina Babi' =)

Monday 29 December 2008



中央代表們寧可選 ‘一塊超級肥豬肉’ 放進资源回收中心﹐讓這塊超級肥豬肉大腳伸手﹐如願以償﹔ 一位又傑出又有智慧的領袖﹐被中央代表們放在錯的地方。。。。 在我的心裡﹐蔡銳明永遠都是一位傑出的領袖﹐我生命中永遠的英雄!!

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Thailand's Geordie Prime Minister

In US, it was unfortunate that a country with so much talent and ability could not offer its electorate a better choice than Obama or McCain; In Thailand, a little country has chosen a man with all the talent and ability the US can only wish for, Abhist Vejjajiva!!!

Sunday 16 November 2008

I am officially a Tory now!

Pen + Pen drive

How many people these days know who their local MP is? My local MP is Mr David Clelland. I am going to get him out next time =)

Tuesday 4 November 2008

White House 2008

Barrack Obama isn't the person you think he is!

Friday 31 October 2008

Dato' Chua Jui Meng

These days, I believe both states of mind are irrelevant, that's because it's not about trying to be on the side that's going to win. It's about being on the right side, regardless of the result.

Snooker Legend ~ Jimmy White at Asper

Dato' Chua Jui Meng crushes feeble journalist (from The Star newspaper)

It is so funny! I cant believe this reporter is so stupid!!!!!! It was nice of Dato Chua Jui Meng to be so patient and give her a lesson in politics! I understand the process, give me a job at The Star now! I will make senior reporter in weeks if they are all that stupid =) The journalist's lack of political knowledge and integrity led to Dato' Chua Jui Meng being misrepresented in The Star newspaper. You would think the Editor-In-Chief would pick up such a school girl error before publication.

残酷一叮叮王 ~ 喬寶寶 Gill Mohindepaul Singh in United Kingdom 02/09/2008