Monday, 29 December 2008



中央代表們寧可選 ‘一塊超級肥豬肉’ 放進资源回收中心﹐讓這塊超級肥豬肉大腳伸手﹐如願以償﹔ 一位又傑出又有智慧的領袖﹐被中央代表們放在錯的地方。。。。 在我的心裡﹐蔡銳明永遠都是一位傑出的領袖﹐我生命中永遠的英雄!!


PoliBug | 波力拔克 said...


Elize said...

me too! i like his speech and his point of view.

Snooker Legend ~ Jimmy White at Asper

Dato' Chua Jui Meng crushes feeble journalist (from The Star newspaper)

It is so funny! I cant believe this reporter is so stupid!!!!!! It was nice of Dato Chua Jui Meng to be so patient and give her a lesson in politics! I understand the process, give me a job at The Star now! I will make senior reporter in weeks if they are all that stupid =) The journalist's lack of political knowledge and integrity led to Dato' Chua Jui Meng being misrepresented in The Star newspaper. You would think the Editor-In-Chief would pick up such a school girl error before publication.

残酷一叮叮王 ~ 喬寶寶 Gill Mohindepaul Singh in United Kingdom 02/09/2008