Friday, 31 October 2008

Dato' Chua Jui Meng

These days, I believe both states of mind are irrelevant, that's because it's not about trying to be on the side that's going to win. It's about being on the right side, regardless of the result.


tbchua said...

You are indeed...... politically RIGHT!

Negara Kita said...

everyone want to be right person, ya?

shltplnk said...

tbchua = 蔡德汶?

tbchua said...

Ha ha ha....

shltplnk said...

Haha... I am not stupid you know =)

tbchua said...

You are smarter than the smartest.

shltplnk said...

Well said =)

Snooker Legend ~ Jimmy White at Asper

Dato' Chua Jui Meng crushes feeble journalist (from The Star newspaper)

It is so funny! I cant believe this reporter is so stupid!!!!!! It was nice of Dato Chua Jui Meng to be so patient and give her a lesson in politics! I understand the process, give me a job at The Star now! I will make senior reporter in weeks if they are all that stupid =) The journalist's lack of political knowledge and integrity led to Dato' Chua Jui Meng being misrepresented in The Star newspaper. You would think the Editor-In-Chief would pick up such a school girl error before publication.

残酷一叮叮王 ~ 喬寶寶 Gill Mohindepaul Singh in United Kingdom 02/09/2008