Monday, 25 October 2010




中国队伍荣获冠军 ~ 中国队伍太棒了!

马来西亚队伍荣获亚军 ~ 马来西亚队伍也很棒!

好棒的醒狮比赛!虽然这次的宣传办得不善,观众不多,但来自世界各地的醒狮队伍都很卖力的表演,现场突然散发出一种‘生命力’! 特别感谢英国蔡李佛伍厚德功夫龙狮总会!伍厚德师傅的致谢词好感人!赞!

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Snooker Legend ~ Jimmy White at Asper

Dato' Chua Jui Meng crushes feeble journalist (from The Star newspaper)

It is so funny! I cant believe this reporter is so stupid!!!!!! It was nice of Dato Chua Jui Meng to be so patient and give her a lesson in politics! I understand the process, give me a job at The Star now! I will make senior reporter in weeks if they are all that stupid =) The journalist's lack of political knowledge and integrity led to Dato' Chua Jui Meng being misrepresented in The Star newspaper. You would think the Editor-In-Chief would pick up such a school girl error before publication.

残酷一叮叮王 ~ 喬寶寶 Gill Mohindepaul Singh in United Kingdom 02/09/2008