At times our nation has not been appreciative of Dato Chua Jui Meng's talents and intellectual ability. Our nation needs a talented politician like him!! Through joining PKR, Dato Chua Jui Meng will be given the platform to air the views and policies that can change Malaysia for the better. This opportunity was denied him by MCA!! Dato Chua Jui Meng is our hope for a brighter and better Malaysia!!
Dato Chua Jui Meng once said, 'a silent politician is no politician! Silent politics is equivalent to zero politics!' In the end he was silenced by MCA but by joining PKR he has ensured his voice will be heard loud and clearly throughout the nation once again!! Wohoho!!! My Dato Chua Jui Meng IS BACK!!!!!!!
hi, I am a friend of http://wrongchinesecharacter.blogspot.com and coordinator of zaishangyanshang.wordpress.com.
I find that your blog is interesting. Is it possible for zsys to repost your articles?
FYI, zsys is reposting http://wrongchinesecharacter.blogspot.com’s articles.
What are you going to report on your blog?
I dont do cheap like, wink wink ;)
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